Monday, January 19, 2009

Sleepy Baby

So the past few day's Emily's schedule has been way off. For those who know us, Emily has been on a routine that you could time with military precision. We would wake up at 8, take a bottle and eat breakfast, play and go down for a nap from 10 to eleven. Then we would get another bottle and eat lunch, play or run errands and take another nap from 2 to four. Then it was snack time and play time until dinner around six. Then bath time, more play time, story time, and around 8 bed time!

But like I said, for the past week or so her schedule has been way off, especially the past two days. She is starting to only want to nap once a day. Which I guess is normal for an almost one year old (yikes). Yesterday she only took her morning nap and REFUSED to go down for her afternoon nap. Well by 5, she was so sleepy! I caught her sitting on her sofa, fighting to stay awake! I ran, grabbed the camera and caught a quick video. Sorry, its sideways.

I thought she was going to crawl into my lap so I put my camera down. Nope. This is how she landed.

And that is just how she stayed.

Today was a little bit better. She woke up at 9 (hallelujah!) and didn't want to take her morning nap. We went to the park after lunch and by 1:30 she was ready to lay down. She didn't wake up until four. If I could keep that schedule I will be a happy camper! We will see what tomorrow brings.


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I am seriously about to pee my pants! WHAT did she have in that sippy cup?!?

  2. LOL Awwww! I have ALWAYS wanted one of my kids to just fall asleep on the floor but they never have. Haha Glad you took a picture, that is too cute!
