Saturday, January 17, 2009

Not one of my brightest ideas

I don't have any pictures of what occurred, so you all are going to have to use your imaginations. Today was a long and boring day, we stayed in for the most part because it was so cold outside (the high was only 36! Take that all you people up north in the -40s). Anyways, I was feeling crafty so I got out this kit to make impressions of Emily's hands in plaster. I had gotten it for a gift at the baby shower and always wanted to do it, but never did it when she was born and we were living at my parents, or when we moved in to temporary housing on Midway Park, or when we moved on TT. Before you know it, she is 1 year old! So I decided to take her hand impressions today, thinking it would be nice for Antonio when he gets home from Virginia. So I mix the plaster, set Emily in her high chair and pop in an Elmo's world to distract her. The directions said I had to keep her hand in it to set for 3-5 minutes (why in God's name did I ever think this would work?!) So I take her hand and put it in the plaster. She immediately turns from Elmo, looks at me, gives me what can only be described as an evil Grinchy grin, and mashes both hands in the plaster! Every thing from this point is a blur. Her one hand shot straight for her mouth, which I thankfully caught. Her other hand,however, got away and made it right into her hair, which I had taken the time to put into pig tails. The walls, the floor, the high chair, the dog, were all covered in plaster, which, by the way, was rapidly hardening! I threw the tin with the plaster in the sink, picked her up out of the chair, ran her to the bathroom, and threw her into the sink. I turned the water on and immediately started scrubbing all the (hardened) plaster off of her. She was not too happy with me. Finally, I got Emily cleaned up and settled to watch the rest of Elmo but by the time I went back to my kitchen, all the plaster was completely hardened to everything she had flung it to. I spent the next hour scrubbing the walls, the floor, the high chair, and oh yeah, the dog. Not one of my shinning mommy moments.

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