Sunday, March 1, 2009

Some random pics

I took most of these pictures the other day, but I totally forgot about them! Here they are!

Very cute outfit that Aunt Jan sent for her birthday!
Daddy put his cover on her head and she loved it.
How cute! And always with that one finger in her mouth!
And this is how Emily is at this exact moment! She has been waking up very early every morning (which I am less than thrilled about), so by the time 11 roles around she is pretty sleepy. Here is where she wound up, I figured there was no point in moving her to her crib!
She has to go to sleep with 2 pacifiers. One in her mouth, the other in her hand. The one in her hand she rubs, and then she switches them back and forth until she is finally asleep. But then she loses them in the middle of the night and fusses until she finds them! Silly kid.

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